Our signature ingredient is an advanced plant cell complex with a high-tech delivery system designed to ensure the maximum amount of key targeted actives reach the skin. Created to leverage the skin benefits from all parts of the prolific Prickly Pear and other plants, it has been shown to reduce the signs of aging, minimize UV damage, support skin regeneration capabilities to ensure longer-term self-repair and modulate age-inducing inflammation at different levels as shown below.

PP PhytoCell Actives ® limit the numerous detrimental effects induced by UV rays, which damage and make skin age more reapidly. Indeed, it protects skin cells by reducing free radicals that severely damages cellular functions. PP PhytoCell Actives ® also restores skin DNA capabilities so that cells keep regenerating new tissues and protect the skin longer. 

Last but not least, it also modulates the skin’s immune defense system which reduces age-inducing inflammation. As you know, fighting inflammation is as important as fighting sun ray damage, particularly for sensitive skin types.

What we like most about PP PhytoCell Actives ®

  • Improves the appearance of deep and superficial wrinkles on the face, including mature skins, especially crow’s feet.
  • Fights and repairs photo-aging effects by decreasing damage induced by sun exposure
  • Reduces pigmentation defects induced by sun exposure
  • Decreases irritation and inflammation
  • Equally effective on both young and mature skins and all skin types

It has been studied by clinical trials as well as tissue studies with excellent results as shown below.